Freemake Video Converter 4.1 Full Patch - salah satu video converter terbaik
adalah sebuah freeware (software) yang dapat anda gunakan untuk mengconvert atau mengubah format video satu ke video lain. Misalnya untuk keperluan menonton video ke hape, dimana video berformat mp4 lebih familiar dari pada video berformat AVI. Maka cara mengubah format video AVI ke MP4 adalah dengan menggunakan tool converter, salah satunya dengan Freemake Video Converter Full Version ini.
Software coverter untuk Windows OS ini mempunyai tampilan yang simpel tapi terkesan profesional, selain itu feature yang tak kalah menarik coba dihadirkan. Dengan menggunakan Microsoft.Net framework 4, Freemake mendukung input lebih dari 200 format namun mendukung beberapa output saja AVI, WMV, MP4, MKV, FLV, SWF, 3GP, dan MP3. Benar, output yang disediakan emang beberapa saja tapi format-format tersebut adalah yang familiar di kehidupan kita, jadi saia rasa tidak masalah.
Berikut feature yang saia Copas dari web resminya.
- 200+ Input Formats. Input any video files: AVI, MP4, MKV, WMV, MPG, 3GP, 3G2, SWF, FLV, TOD, AVCHD, MOV, DV, RM, QT, TS, MTS, etc. Import music (MP3, AAC, WMA, WAV), and photos (JPG, BMP, PNG,GIF) to turn them into video free and easily! All supported formats
- Output to AVI, MP4, MKV, FLV, 3GP, MP3, HTML5. Convert video free to the most popular video formats. Rip DVD movie (unprotected) to AVI, WMV, MP4, MPEG, MKV, FLV, SWF, 3GP. Convert video to Flash and embed it directly to your web page. Create HTML5 video (Ogg, WebM, H.264) for modern web browsers.
- Convert Free to iPod, iPhone, iPad, PSP, Android. Optimize videos for Apple, Sony, and Android devices. Convert videos free to iPod Classic, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPod 5G, iPhone, iPad, Sony PSP, PS2, PS3, BlackBerry, Samsung, Nokia, Xbox, Apple TV, Android mobile devices, smartphones, etc.
- Fastest Video Converter with CUDA and DXVA. Freemake is the only free video converter that features integrated both CUDA and DXVA technologies for the fastest ever video conversion and less CPU usage. The software automatically detects the optimal conversion parameters and switches on/off CUDA and DXVA for better conversion results.
- Burn Blu-ray Video. Convert your movies to video Blu-ray format and burn high-quality BDs for free. Create Blu-ray discs out of any input content: video, audio, photos, URLs. Burn multiple Blu-ray copies and save the resulted Blu-ray video to HDD as an ISO image or Blu-ray folder.
Burn DVD – up to 40 hours. Unlike other software, our free video converter doesn’t have a two-hour limit and can burn DVD video up to 20h to a Standard DVD or 40h to DVD-DL. With our free video converter, you can make multiple DVD copies and save the output DVD video to your PC as an ISO image or DVD folder. - Video Converter with Subtitles Support. Convert DVD, MKV, MOV with embedded subtitles to any video format or device for free. Add SSA/SRT/ASS external subtitles to any video with our free video converter.
- Advanced Preset Editor. Take total control of the output result by customizing conversion parameters. Create your own presets by establishing video and audio codecs, frame size, etc. Choose an icon, and save you custom preset for further usage with our free video converter.
Upload Photos and MP3 to YouTube. Upload videos, photo slideshows, MP3 to YouTube with our free video converter. Upload AVI, WMV, MP4, 3GP, JPG, BMP, GIF, MP3 to YouTube. The program will cut videos (if required) into 15-minute parts and insert them into one YouTube playlist. - Make Slideshows and Visualizations. Turn photos and MP3 into slideshows with background music for free. Edit your slideshow: add, delete, and shuffle photos, enable panorama effect. Create music visualizations and upload photos to YouTube for free!
- Cut, Join, Rotate, Limit size, Adjust to aspect ratio. Cut video parts from your file. Flip or rotate video. Join several videos into one file, add transitions between parts. Fit the output file size to any limit (e.g. 700 Mb, 1.4 Gb, 4.7 Gb). Adjust output video to the established aspect ratio: add black bars, stretch, zoom, auto-adjust.
- Unlocked Licenses: Gold Pack License, Subtitle Packs
Whats New in this version
- Added drag-n-drop support
- Fixed the problem with Vimeo download
Pada dasarnya software ini adalah sebuah freeware dimana developer membagikan ke pengguna secara gratis. NAMUN dengan skema Freemium. Dimana freeware ini akan meninggalkan beberapa kekurangan yaitu diantaranya, ada watermark "freemake" pada hasil video yang sudah diconvert (setau saya cm itu sih, kurang tahu juga kalo ada yang lain). Sehingga anda harus membayar jika ingin menghilangkan watermark tersebut. Maka dari itu, disini saia sertakan patch untuk menghilangkan watermarknya. Maka anda akan mendapatkan Freemake Video Converter full version secara gratis.
Cara Instal (Matikan Internet & Antivirus!!)
2. Download patch.
3 Instal programnya seperti biasa.
4. Setelah selesai, jangan buka dulu programnya.
5. Buka patch, lalu copy pastekan file patch ke dalam folder instalasi “Freemake Video Converter”
6. Jalankan file patch dengan cara klik kanan >> run as administrator.
7. Klik Patch.
8. Done.
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